The Nárai Harvest Parade
Nárai is a village in Vas County nestled between Szombathely and the Austrian border. It’s not exactly small, though its 1500 inhabitants keep it just within the village designation. People still know each other here, or think they do. Two generations back they have their tragedies; one generation back they have their fights, influxes of wealth, miserable divorces. And today? Who can speak more beautifully of the present than photos? But can we get to know the present day that is behind the photos? How many of the 1500 work across the border? How many spend their days from morning till evening in another country, behind a bar, in a workshop, hunched over a sink? And to the cheerfulness which radiates from the photos, let’s add this condition. What percentage of the village fair crowd has more euros in their pocket than forints?