Simon Móricz-Sabján won the Capa Grand Prize in 2022

Simon Móricz-Sabján won the Capa Grand Prize for photographers with his work entitled Permanently Overcast, which documents the changes in the lifestyle of the Great Plains. Every year, the Capa Grand Prize is awarded to an outstandingly talented photographer who also has a well-established professional background and creates creative works that enrich society. With the award and the accompanying three million forints, the creators are encouraged to further develop.

As a child, Simon Móricz-Sabján spent several summers in the Great Plains. He considers this as a personal matter to get an answer to the question of how fateful changes transform the settlements of the Great Plains and how the future vision of the people living there develops. Because of the limited opportunities, almost everything in the Great Plain is also in danger. Young people migrate, settlements age, which can also lead to the loss of traditions. In addition to the closing of schools, other public spaces like small shops and pubs are also slowly closing permanently. This year additional problems such as drought, bushfires, forest fires, price increases and inflation due to the crisis, were added to all of this. It has become even more difficult to live unchanged in a changing world.