Pictorial Collective: Decade - Book Presentation

On Wednesday, December 22, 2021, from 5.30 pm, the members of the Pictorial Collective – Róbert László Bácsi, András D. Hajdú, Bálint Hirling , Balázs Mohai, Simon Móricz-Sabján , Ákos Stiller, Ádám Urbán, László Végh -, Gabriella Csizek, the editor of the book, Orsolya Mohai-Nagy, the graphic designer of the book, and Katalin Kopin present the photo book of Pictorial Collective: Decade.
Ten years, one book. As a conclusion and as a first step to continue, putting themselves and their images so far in a position. The individual series, selected from the now active eight members, the eight thematic selections from the work of each, and the three jointly elaborated themes alternate in the book, showcasing the community and its members as well.