The Hemző Prize winner László Végh presents his series entitled God, Huskies, Mountains
László Végh won the Hemző Award in 2020. At the Capa Center on November 4, 2021, he will present his series, God, Huskies, Mountain, which he has continued over the past year.
“Attila Kiss is the Catholic parish priest of the village of Óradna, hidden at the bottom of the Borgó Mountains. He has been dealing with huskies since he was ordained a priest seventeen years ago. He started this sport as a self-taught man, and is now a world champion and European Championship silver medalist in the international dog sledding field. On one of his first sleigh rides as he headed up into the mountains, Attila had a spiritual experience. »By then I knew: I will not be alone anymore, because the Good God is with me and these two wonderful animals. For some reason the Eternal guided these pious goods before me, assigning me a task in relation to them.«”