- “Kabulhoz közel laktunk egy kis faluban. A tálibok egyszer éjszaka ránk rontottak, apukámat megverték, engem pedig magukkal vittek. Becsukták a szememet és egy olyan házba szállítottak, ahol velem egyidős, tiennégy-tizenöt éves fiúk voltak. Harcosokat szerettek volna belőlünk képezni Pakisztánban. Volt ott mosdó egy kis ablakkal, azon kimásztam, egy gyümölcsfán leereszkedtem és visszamentem a falumba. Szüleim később mondták, hogy akiket akkor elvittek a tálibok, mind meghaltak egy Amerika elleni ütközetben.” Zia Sharoki // “We lived close to Kabul. One day the Talibs broke into our place, beat my father and took me. I was taken to an unknown place full with others kids who were about my age, about 15 years old. They wanted to train us to be fighters in Pakistan. There was a bathroom with a little window there. I could escape through that. Later I was told that all those fellows died in a combat against the USA.” Zia Sharoki
- “A Twitter, a Youtube, a Facebook mind le voltak tiltva. Mahmud Ahmadinezsád újraválasztása után, 2009-től már a nemzetközi hírportálhoz sem volt hozzáférés Iránban. A választási csalást sejtők békés zöld mozgalma vérrontásba torkollott, és az emberek végül abbahagyták a néma tüntetéseket. A jövő kilátástalanná vált.” Babak Arzani // “Twitter, Youtube, Facebook; all these platforms were restricted. After the reelection of president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in 2009, there was no more access to international news portals in Iran. The Green Movement was organized by those who regarded the election fraudulent, it was a silent march. But the government answered with violence. At that point the future became hopelessness.” Babak Arzani
- “Ízig-vérig berber vagyok. Csak egy kis buta pásztor voltam Marokkóban, mindig követtem a birkákat. Egyedül indultam neki az útnak, sokszor éheztem. Nem volt nekem tapasztalatom. Akinek nincs pénze és berber csempész ismeretsége, az csendesen beszáll egy kamionba. A kereskedelmi kikötőben volt egy nagyon jófej rendőr. Mondta nekem, hogy ne csináljak semmi hülyeséget, míg ő ott van; de ha már elmegy, az az én dolgom.” Shaabna Hassan // “I’m a real Berber. I used to be a silly little shepherd in Morocco. I always followed the sheeps. I started off all alone, I starved many times on the road. I didn’t have a Berber smuggler friend, so I just hid in trucks. I met a policeman in the commercial port. He told me not to do any crazy thing while he was there. If he leaves, it’s up to me, he said.” Shaabna Hassan
- “Be kellett fogni a szádat, mindent négy fal között csinálni és egy másik arccal létezni kint a társadalomban. Vagy pedig a másik utat választottad, hogy totálisan együttműködsz a rezsimmel.” Behroz Torki // “Your mouth had to be shut up, you had to do everything between the walls, and live with a totally different face outside in the society. Or you could choose the other way, you could cooperate with the regime.” Behroz Torki
- “Tibetben nagy a kínai nyomás; nem engedik a gyerekeinket tibeti nyelven tanulni, nagyapámra rá is lőttek. Huszonhatan menekültünk együtt a Himaláján keresztül és tizenhárman értük el a nepáli határt. A többiek meghaltak vagy eltűntek. Napközben a hóba lyukat ástunk és ott aludtunk, éjjelente pedig öt-hat órát gyalogoltunk. Az éjszaka jól terjed a hang és féltünk, hogy a kínai katonák meghallják a gyereksírást. A nepáli maffiának édesanyám drágakövét adtam oda, amiért cserébe Magyarországra hoztak.” Namgyal Tsewang // “There is a Chinese repression in Tibet, kids cannot learn Tibetan. Chinese even shot on my grandfather. 26 of us escaped through the Himalayas, but only 13 of us reached the border at Nepal. All the others died or disappeared. During daytime we digged a hole in the snow, during the night we walked about 5-6 hours in the dark. Voices spread easily during the night, and we were afraid that the soldiers would hear the childrens’ cry. I gave my mother’s gemstone to the Nepalese maffia, in return, they took me to Hungary.” Namgyal Tsewang

“We lived close to Kabul. One day the Talibs broke into our place, beat my father and took me. I was taken to an unknown place full with others kids who were about my age, about 15 years old. They wanted to train us to be fighters in Pakistan. There was a bathroom with a little window there. I could escape through that. Later I was told that all those fellows died in a combat against the USA.” Zia Sharoki

“Twitter, Youtube, Facebook; all these platforms were restricted. After the reelection of president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in 2009, there was no more access to international news portals in Iran. The Green Movement was organized by those who regarded the election fraudulent, it was a silent march. But the government answered with violence. At that point the future became hopelessness.” Babak Arzani

“I'm a real Berber. I used to be a silly little shepherd in Morocco. I always followed the sheeps. I started off all alone, I starved many times on the road. I didn't have a Berber smuggler friend, so I just hid in trucks. I met a policeman in the commercial port. He told me not to do any crazy thing while he was there. If he leaves, it's up to me, he said.” Shaabna Hassan

“Your mouth had to be shut up, you had to do everything between the walls, and live with a totally different face outside in the society. Or you could choose the other way, you could cooperate with the regime.” Behroz Torki

“There is a Chinese repression in Tibet, kids cannot learn Tibetan. Chinese even shot on my grandfather. 26 of us escaped through the Himalayas, but only 13 of us reached the border at Nepal. All the others died or disappeared. During daytime we digged a hole in the snow, during the night we walked about 5-6 hours in the dark. Voices spread easily during the night, and we were afraid that the soldiers would hear the childrens' cry. I gave my mother’s gemstone to the Nepalese maffia, in return, they took me to Hungary.” Namgyal Tsewang

Transit Zone
A name that could be attributed to our country, which has been mostly only a stop, rather than a destination, for the immigrants arriving from the Middle East and Africa. The fence raised along the southern border, and the resulting changes in the immigration routes, as well as the tightening of the immigration procedures implemented in Greece led to the present situation, when only the objects left behind bear witness to the migration of the faceless masses passing through not long ago.