- Kató néni és Jani bácsi világítás híján zseblámpát használnak, áram nélküli bicerei tanyájukban akkumulátorról tudnak tévét nézni. // Kató and Jani use a flashlight in want of lighting, and their TV is plugged into a battery as their farm near Bicere lacks electricity.
- Tanya az erdő közepén Csemő közelében. // Farm in the middle of the woods near Csemő.
- Áram és hűtő nélkül annyit főznek, amennyi el is fogy aznap a Péter család Nyársapáti melletti tanyáján. // Having no electricity and refrigerator, the Péter family cook as much as they eat each day on their farm near Nyársapáti.
- Kiss Tamara tányérokat mosogat áram nélküli tanyájukon Nyársapátiban, ahonnan semmi pénzért nem költözne el a városba. Nem bírta a bezártságot a távoli kollégiumban, mindene a tanya szabadsága. // Tamara Kiss washes the dishes in her familys farm, which lacks electricity, in Nyársapáti. She couldn’t stand the four walls of her dormitory, where she felt locked away from the nature which surrounds her home, so she moved back home, where she wants to work in agriculture as her parents.
- Akkumulátorról és szobaantennáról szól a vasárnapi mise az M1-en egy Törtel közeli, áram nélküli farmon. // The Sunday mass is received via an indoor antenna through a battery-powered TV in a farm which lacks electricity near Törtel.
- Székely Sanyi fürdőszoba híján lavórban fürdik esténként. Miután Nyársapáti melletti tanyájukon nincs áram, gyertyafény mellett készül el leckéjével. // With no bathroom to speak of, Sanyi Székely takes a bath each night in a basin. As their farm near Nyársapáti lacks electricity, he does his homework by candlelight.
- Kiss Sándor szárítja a télre félretett fát Nyársapáti közelében. // Sándor Kiss drying the wood reserved for the winter near Nyársapáti.
- “Tudja hol töltöm a telet? Hát a dunyha alatt!” A Nádaspuszta mellett, tanyán élő Takács Sándornénak nem telik tüzelőre, az önkormányzattól és a szomszédtól kap némi fát, azzal fűt, amíg tart belőle. // “Do you know where I will be spending the winter?” Beneath my duvet!” Mrs. Sandor Takacs doesn’t have enough money to buy firewood, he gets a bit of wood from the local government and his neighbors, and heats with that as long as it lasts.

Kató and Jani use a flashlight in want of lighting, and their TV is plugged into a battery as their farm near Bicere lacks electricity.

Farm in the middle of the woods near Csemő.

Having no electricity and refrigerator, the Péter family cook as much as they eat each day on their farm near Nyársapáti.

Tamara Kiss washes the dishes in her familys farm, which lacks electricity, in Nyársapáti. She couldn’t stand the four walls of her dormitory, where she felt locked away from the nature which surrounds her home, so she moved back home, where she wants to work in agriculture as her parents.

The Sunday mass is received via an indoor antenna through a battery-powered TV in a farm which lacks electricity near Törtel.

With no bathroom to speak of, Sanyi Székely takes a bath each night in a basin. As their farm near Nyársapáti lacks electricity, he does his homework by candlelight.

Sándor Kiss drying the wood reserved for the winter near Nyársapáti.

“Do you know where I will be spending the winter?” Beneath my duvet!” Mrs. Sandor Takacs doesn’t have enough money to buy firewood, he gets a bit of wood from the local government and his neighbors, and heats with that as long as it lasts.
The farmlands
At the end of the 1940s over one million people lived in the rural farmlands of Hungary. During the years of communism, the farms were sucked into the industry and the collective farms, so by the early 1990s, only 200.000 people stayed. Those who remain couldn’t live without their freedom, but they face hardships every day.