- Az 5047 méter magas Kazbek hegy látszik a georgiai Sztepancminda településről 2017. szeptember 16-án. // A view on the Kazbek Mountain from Stepantsminda, Georgia, 16 September 2017.
- Egy férfi vezeti lovát a gleccseren 3550 méteren. // A man leads his horse on a glacier at an altitude of 3,550 metres.
- Látkép a Kazbekről. // The view from the peak of the Kazbek Mountain.
- Egy hegymászó útban a Kazbek felé napfelkelte előtt. // A climber walks towards the Kazbek Mountain at dawn.
- Hegymászók haladnak egy jégfalon 4950 méteres magasságban. // Climbers climb on an ice wall at on altitude of 4,950 metres.
- Egy hegymászó áll a Kazbek csúcsán. // A climber stands on the peak of the Kazbek Mountain.
- Egy hegymászó keresi az útját a gleccserhasadékok között. // A climber is searching his way between gaps of the glacier.
- Hegymászók sátra 2650 méteres magasságban. // A tent of climbers lies at an altitude of 2,650 metres.

A view on the Kazbek Mountain from Stepantsminda, Georgia, 16 September 2017.

A man leads his horse on a glacier at an altitude of 3,550 metres.

The view from the peak of the Kazbek Mountain.

A climber walks towards the Kazbek Mountain at dawn.

Climbers climb on an ice wall at on altitude of 4,950 metres.

A climber stands on the peak of the Kazbek Mountain.

A climber is searching his way between gaps of the glacier.

A tent of climbers lies at an altitude of 2,650 metres.
Kazbek, a 5,047 metres high mountain to be climbed relatively easily, is located some 120 kms north of the Georgian capital Tbilisi with its peak above the border line between Georgia and Russia. The warming experienced in recent years entails new challenges for climbers, too – well-known routes are disappearing or becoming dangerous.