- Mint a többi altatott betegnél, Ricsinél is már néhány nap alatt megindult az izomszövet leépülése, így a gyógytornászok mindennapi munkája is kiemelt fontosságú volt. // Muscle atrophy, common for all patients placed in an induced coma, began within the first few days therefore physical therapy treatments became crucial in Richie’s care.
- During his two months of being in a coma Richie received a total of 14 blood transfusions, an unusually high number.
- Az életéért folyamatos harcot vívtak a COVID intenzív dolgozói. // His doctors and nurses fought a constant battle to save his life.
- Összesen 14 egység vért cseréltek a közel két hónapos altatás alatt, amely rendkívül soknak számít. // During his two months of being in a coma Richie received a total of 14 blood transfusions, an unusually high number.
- Márciusban még az első tünetek megjelenésekor sem érezte, hogy bármi gond lenne. Szüleinél lefeküdt aludni, majd közel két hónap után a kórházban ébredt. // In March, when he first began to experience symptoms, he did not think there was reason to be concerned. He went to bed at his parents’ house, and woke up in a hospital bed two months later.
- Ébredése után sokáig nem tudott különbséget tenni a hosszú álmai és a valóság között, az egyetlen támpontja pedig egy az ápolónők által az ágyához helyezett óra volt. // Initially, Richie had difficulty separating his dreams from reality after he woke from his coma; his only connection to reality was a clock his nurses placed near his bed.
- Több mint 40 ezer halálos áldozatot követelt eddig a koronavírus-járvány négy hulláma Magyarországon. Ezzel a lakosság számához viszonyított halálozási arány Magyarországon volt az egyik legmagasabb a világon. // Nurses during a shift change, in the Intensive Care Unit, on May 3. 2021. The four waves of COVID-19 so far have claimed more than 40,000 lives in Hungary, making it one of the top countries with the highest death rate per capita.
- A márciusi fertőződés után májusban érte ismét közvetlen napfény Ricsit. // Richie felt the warmth of the sun for the first time in May since contracting the virus in March.
- Sokáig egyetlen kapcsolata a külvilággal az ágya közelében lévő ablak volt. // His hospital room window was his only connection to the world for a long time.
- A COVID intenzív osztály szinte egy emberként szorított és küzdött az életéért, a törődés és gondoskodás állandó volt körülötte. // The staff at the hospital’s COVID-19 Intensive Care Unit united as one and fought to save Richie’s life, providing him with constant, around-the-clock care.
- Közel 50 napos lélegeztetőgépes kezelés után élte túl a koronavírus fertőzést, és a 30 éves Ricsi felépülése lassú volt. // He survived a severe case of the coronavirus after nearly 50 days on a ventilator, and the 30-year-old Richie’s recovery was slow.
- Bár még tolószékben és oxigénpalackkal, de 2021. május 5-én, 54 nap után ismét szabad levegőre mehetett a kórházba kerülése óta. // Richie was able to get some fresh air after 54 long days, with the help of using a wheelchair and a portable oxygen tank, May 5, 2021.
- A szülők gondoskodása és rendszeres látogatásai nagyon fontosak voltak Ricsi számára. // The regular visitations and care from his parents were extremely important to Richie.
- Az első hullámok alatt bár komolyan vette a világjárványt, de nem tartott tőle. Úgy érezte, hogy ő egészséges fiatalként nem kerülhet koronavírussal korházba. // During the first wave of the coronavirus Richie understood the severity of the pandemic, however, he was not afraid it. As a young man in excellent health, he felt he would not be at risk of being hospitalized with the coronavirus.
- A COVID belgyógyászaton eltöltött 54 napos, lassú felépülés alatt volt a legnagyobb szükség a türelemre. // Richie needed his patience the most during the 54 days he spent recovering slowly in the COVID-19 Internal Medicine Unit.
- Korábban fegyveres biztonsági őrként dolgozott a rendőrségen. Hetente háromszor edzett, így abszolút jó kondícióban volt, amikor elkapta a vírusfertőzést. // Before he contracted the virus he worked as an armed security guard within the police force. He trained three times a week, and he was in absolutely perfect physical condition as a result.
- Egy orvos specialista Bowen-technikával is kezelte a gyorsabb felépülés reményében. // With the hope of accelerating his recovery, Richie was being treated with the Bowen-method by one of his doctor specialists.
- Hazaérkezésekor 25 kilót fogyott // By the time he was discharged from the hospital, Richie lost close to 25 kilograms.
- Végül júliusban, négy hónap után engedték haza a kórházból, miután legyőzte a koronavírust. // He was eventually discharged from hospital in July after four months, beating the coronavirus.
- A 31. születésnapi buli barátokkal november 28-án. Ricsi nagyon szerencsés, hogy felépült az intenzív osztály után és remélhetőleg nemsokára már ismét teljes életét élhet. // Richie celebrated his 31st birthday with his friends on November 28, 2021. Richie is incredibly fortunate to have made such a remarkable recovery after his ordeal in intensive care, and hopefully he can soon begin to return to living life fully.
- Ricsi otthonában 2021. december 29-én. Karácsonyi üdvözleteket a kórház dolgozói is küldtek neki, akik körében még mindig beszédtéma a felépülése. // Richie in his home, December 29, 2021. He received Christmas Greetings from the hospital staff, who still talk about Richie’s remarkable recovery.

Muscle atrophy, common for all patients placed in an induced coma, began within the first few days therefore physical therapy treatments became crucial in Richie’s care.

During his two months of being in a coma Richie received a total of 14 blood transfusions, an unusually high number.

His doctors and nurses fought a constant battle to save his life.

During his two months of being in a coma Richie received a total of 14 blood transfusions, an unusually high number.

In March, when he first began to experience symptoms, he did not think there was reason to be concerned. He went to bed at his parents’ house, and woke up in a hospital bed two months later.

Initially, Richie had difficulty separating his dreams from reality after he woke from his coma; his only connection to reality was a clock his nurses placed near his bed.

Nurses during a shift change, in the Intensive Care Unit, on May 3. 2021. The four waves of COVID-19 so far have claimed more than 40,000 lives in Hungary, making it one of the top countries with the highest death rate per capita.

Richie felt the warmth of the sun for the first time in May since contracting the virus in March.

His hospital room window was his only connection to the world for a long time.

The staff at the hospital’s COVID-19 Intensive Care Unit united as one and fought to save Richie’s life, providing him with constant, around-the-clock care.

He survived a severe case of the coronavirus after nearly 50 days on a ventilator, and the 30-year-old Richie’s recovery was slow.

Richie was able to get some fresh air after 54 long days, with the help of using a wheelchair and a portable oxygen tank, May 5, 2021.

The regular visitations and care from his parents were extremely important to Richie.

During the first wave of the coronavirus Richie understood the severity of the pandemic, however, he was not afraid it. As a young man in excellent health, he felt he would not be at risk of being hospitalized with the coronavirus.

Richie needed his patience the most during the 54 days he spent recovering slowly in the COVID-19 Internal Medicine Unit.

Before he contracted the virus he worked as an armed security guard within the police force. He trained three times a week, and he was in absolutely perfect physical condition as a result.

With the hope of accelerating his recovery, Richie was being treated with the Bowen-method by one of his doctor specialists.

By the time he was discharged from the hospital, Richie lost close to 25 kilograms.

He was eventually discharged from hospital in July after four months, beating the coronavirus.

Richie celebrated his 31st birthday with his friends on November 28, 2021. Richie is incredibly fortunate to have made such a remarkable recovery after his ordeal in intensive care, and hopefully he can soon begin to return to living life fully.

Richie in his home, December 29, 2021. He received Christmas Greetings from the hospital staff, who still talk about Richie’s remarkable recovery.
Second life
Thirty-year-old Richard Meszaros, Richie, was diagnosed with COVID-19 during the third wave of the coronavirus in Budapest, the capital city of Hungary. In March 2021 he was transported from his home by ambulance to the Emergency Department of Uzsoki Street Hospital where he was immediately admitted to the Intensive Care Unit due to his rapidly deteriorating condition.
Richie spent 59 days in intensive care connected to life support nearly the entire time, followed by his transfer to the COVID-19 Internal Medicine Unit for a total of 113 days. He received a hero’s sendoff from the hospital after the entire staff became united behind him in their life-saving efforts. Richie was young and healthy without any pre-existing medical conditions, nevertheless his chance of survival remained questionable for a very long time. He received a total of 14 blood transfusions, his kidneys failed several times, and the coronavirus damaged nearly all of his organs.
By the time he was discharged from the hospital in July, Richie lost close to 25 kilograms. He has grown stronger every week since then, and so far has not shown any signs of long COVID-19 symptoms. It seemed unlikely he would be able to celebrate his 31st birthday in November with his family and friends, so his remarkable recovery gave him and his community, along with the entire medical team of Uzsoki Street Hospital, a renewed sense of hope, especially after having to witness the devastatingly crushing loss of close to 90% of their patients in the COVID-19 Intensive Care Unit.