Uniform should be clean and not torn. Shortening and tightening of skirts is not allowed
All students must be awake at 4.30 a.m. and get ready by 5.00 a.m.
All students have the opportunity to participate their faith. On Sunday; all Christians attend mass in the Mission Church and Muslims attend prayers separately
There must be absolute silence during study time and every student sitting in her usual place
Students are discouraged to leave school to attend weddings; send offs and other family gatherings except for funerals
No jewellery or make-up is allowed except watches when wearing school uniform
Brown low heeled leather shoes should be worn with white socks
Kiswahili or English are the two mediums of communication. Sheng should not be used
Bura Girls
A small road leads to Bura Girls High School, an all-girls school in Bura, Kenya. Presently, more than seven hundred girls are studying in the institution which is one of the best schools in the country. The students live there considering a strict agenda. They must be awake at 4.30 a.m., the weekend is no exception.
Mobile phones and even romantic novels are forbidden to use. When academic training comes into question, there is no doubt, they will mention Yale or Harvard as main objectives.